From Waste to Resource
Waste is a resource and one that can be utilised much more effectively than is currently the case. We help the public and private find effective waste management solutions.
For the green transition to succeed, it is crucial that we become better at utilising waste as a resource. For instance, we can become much better at recycling materials - both to a larger extent and in a smarter way than we do today.
Our waste specialists help an increasing number of public and private sector clients to make better use of their waste resources. We advise on all aspects of waste management, from detailed waste plans, to improved sorting of household waste, through to changed behaviour and efficient collection systems.
We support waste companies and municipalities in establishing new schemes, such as the collection of textiles via recycling stations. We conduct analyses for national environmental authorities related to, for example, increased recycling and producer responsibility. We also help companies to achieve better and cheaper waste management through consultancy on waste prevention, options for disposal, symbiosis, etc.
Industrial symbioses
The waste of one industry can be the resource of another. NIRAS provides advice on how companies can create industrial symbioses through cooperation with other industries, where energy, water, residuals (waste) from one industry can be used by another.
We support you with end-to-end consultancy. We identify any potential symbiosis and we help you find potential partnerships. Afterwards, we help you develop and implement the symbiosis. That is a good investment for your business and for the environment. NIRAS has advised more than 200 companies about industrial symbioses.
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