
NIRAS have gotten their very own Batman


NIRAS’ very own Batman is actually called Noel Damholdt Bergin and is an expert in bats. Noel joins the already strong NIRAS team, who is working with nature- and animal protection with regards to environmental impact assessment.

September 20, 2022

With the employment of English biologist and bat expert Noel Damholdt Bergin (who will have his daily routine in the eastern part of Jutland in Denmark), NIRAS will be even stronger when environmental impact assessments are to be made.

Many years of experience with environmental assessment

All Danish bats are protected animal species, covered by the Habitat Directive's special species protection – the so-called Annex IV species. In NIRAS, we are experiencing a strongly increasing demand for studies and assessments of these Annex IV species. In order to secure and increase our capacity and competences in this field, Noel has been employed in our environmental department at NIRAS from July 2022.

”With Noel on board, we have ensured a significant strengthening of our team of biologists and ecologists in NIRAS”

Martin Hesselsøe, Market Director for Nature, NIRAS.

Noel has over 10 years of experience with studies and assessments of bats in connection with environmental assessments of building and construction projects in England. He brings that experience to the entire NIRAS team. He is certified by NaturalEngland in Great Britain to carry out specialist biological tasks for Annex IV species in particular, especially regarding bats.

Important in many different types of projects

All types of projects must be assessed in relation to Annex IV species. Here, bats are a particularly difficult group of species that is relevant in many different types of projects, for example in connection with the demolition and renovation of buildings, clearing of trees, establishment of new roads, cables or wind turbines.

Market Director for Nature in NIRAS, Martin Hesselsøe, also expresses his joy at the employment of NIRAS' very own Batman: "I am very happy that we now have Noel on our team. Noel brings a lot of experience from Great Britain, which in many respects has been further ahead than Denmark with the implementation of the habitat directive's species protection.”

The appointment of Noel is not just an increase in competence in relation to investigations and assessments, but also in relation to the implementation of preventive measures. Precisely this can ensure that the customers' projects can be adapted and realized within the framework of the current regulations.

Looking forward to be working in Denmark

As a scientist and ecologist from Great Britain, Noel is particularly looking forward to getting to know Denmark and the Danish species. The work to protect these species will be of particular interest to the ecologist. Noel will be covering Denmark all over to investigate the conditions for both bats and other Annex IV species.

“As well as getting the chance to explore Denmark whilst working on projects and enjoying the office canteen (English companies don’t have them!) I am really looking forward to learning about the new species you have in Denmark and how you protect them.”

Noel Damholdt Bergin, Consultant in NIRAS

Noel has already completed a number of field investigations in relation to ongoing projects, so he has had a flying start. Right now, Noel is working on mapping suitable habitats for bats on the western part of Funen. This is happening in connection with a large infrastructure project, where NIRAS is an advisor. In relation to the construction of the project, there may be a removal of trees and houses where bats may live. At the same time, plans must be made for new habitats for the bats that lose their homes. It is therefore important that a thorough investigation takes place before the projects are implemented.

Get in touch

Martin Hesselsøe

Martin Hesselsøe

Market Director (Nature & Biodiversity)

Aalborg, Denmark

+45 4097 9503

Noel Anthony Damholdt Bergin

Noel Anthony Damholdt Bergin


Aarhus, Denmark

+45 4299 5495

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