Expansion of Port of Rønne, Bornholm Denmark

As an important part of securing a continuous supply to the community of Bornholm, the Port of Rønne is currently expanding in order to future proof the port facilities and to accommodate port calls from the increasing ship sizes.
As client advisor (in collaboration with the legal advisor of the port), NIRAS has prepared the tender material for expansion stages 1 and 2, which was subsequently sent to EU tender as turnkey contracts.
Stage 1 consist of a 300m long multifunctio nal quay and approximately 270m of heavy duty offloading quay. Both quays are designed for an initial alongside depth of 11m, with future provision for 13m. 15ha of reclaimed land was established as a yard to support the quays. The reclaimed land is protected from the south by a 510m perma nent revetment. For the overall protection of the new port basin, a new 750m breakwater was constructed. The harbour entrance was excavated to a water depth of 11m.
Stage 2 consists of a 400m extension to the breakwater and a new 300m heavy duty extension of the multifunctional quay established in Stage 1, and approximately 5ha of new port area intended for heavy loads.
In collaboration with Port of Rønne and the municipality, NIRAS has prepared the local area development plans, prepared an EIA as part of application works as well as comple ted the necessary preliminary investigati ons. These have included environmental and geotechnical investigations, noise simulati ons, wave simulations, current and sediment conditions, and extensive Metocean studies. The studies create an exact basis for further planning of the port expansion.
Data from the completed Metocean studies has been used to define the necessary crest level and quay levels accounting for the wishes of Port of Rønne to secure the port against a changing climate.
As the client advisor, NIRAS has been in charge of preparing the project design with associated construction cost estimates, guidelines for the application process in order to obtain the necessary permits from the authorities and tenders for turnkey contracts according to EU legislation.
Furthermore, NIRAS was responsible for construction management as the client’s representative during the subsequent detailed design and construction phases.
In parallel with the consultancy of the port expansion Stages 1 and 2, NIRAS has assisted Port of Rønne with load studies of existing quays and yard areas. Investigations have especially been made within the offshore wind industry, as the Port of Rønne operates as an assembly port for the loadout of wind turbines within the Baltic Sea.
Planning and design of phases 3 and 4 is in preparation.