Supporting Peru in transitioning to a circular economy

Waste management is an important step in the path towards a circular economy. © Photo: Ministerio de Ambiente de Perú
Waste management is an important step in the path towards a circular economy. © Photo: Ministerio de Ambiente de Perú
NIRAS is supporting the Peruvian Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Production in moving away from from unsustainable patterns of production and consumption by generating enabling technical, institutional, and regulatory conditions.
It is increasingly evident that the linear model of production and consumption based on using, disposing, and relying excessively on an intensive flow of raw materials is unsustainable. In response, circular economy (CE) presents itself as an economic model inspired by the cyclical processes of nature, where no nutrient is wasted. In recent years, Peru has taken progressive and continuous steps aimed at generating policies and promoting frameworks for the transition to a CE.
The Peruvian Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) leads the process with the participation of other sectors, thereby demonstrating intersectoral articulation and support for the shift away from unsustainable consumption and production patterns.
Under these transitional circumstances, the EU has been supporting Peru’s efforts for its transition to a CE through the exchange of experiences, cooperation, and by arranging high-level events. As part of this process, NIRAS has been contracted to support transition efforts.
Building upon extensive experience in supporting governments in the creation of policies and actions related to environmental issues, climate change, green economy, and CE issues, NIRAS will assist the Peruvian government in guiding and leading the CE transition.
Services provided by NIRAS:
Collection of inputs through meetings, publications, databases, generation of primary information, collection of secondary information, among others through the use and application of properly designed instruments to obtain representative samples;
Systematisation and processing of information obtained through statistical or qualitative analysis, as required, and oriented to the expected results to facilitate analysis and interpretation;
Preparation of proposals and recommendations for cross-cutting issues through technical and participatory approaches. The activities and recommendations are developed in a critical, innovative, and synthetic way, based on the evidence generated in the previous processes;
Validation of proposals, products, and recommendations with priority sectors and actors to ensure their functionality.
To learn more about this project