Świnoujście Container Terminal in Poland

DEME Concessions N.V. (Belgium) and QTerminals W.L.L. (the “Investor” in Qatar) have signed a preliminary lease agreement in 2023 with the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority for a deep-water container terminal. The proposed Swinoujscie Container Terminal is to be located in the coastal town of Świnoujście in the Baltic Sea, and is to be designed and built by the investor.
The project will be developed in two phases.
The phase 1 development contains the following marine infrastructures:
750 m length Quay Wall on the West Side
Ultra Large Container Vessel (ULCV). Length of 500m
Feeder Quay Wall. Length of 250m
Buildings and Superstructure Works
NIRAS role on the project is to support the investor with developing the performance requirements and designs associated to the following:
Marine Infrastructure (Including berth, reclamation and shore protection)
Superstructure (Including all utility infrastructure, paving and port structures such as gantry crane running beams, hazardous container storage & substations)
Buildings (Including gateways, administration building, workshop customs office and rail office)
Where the main deliveries of the scope are:
Basis of Design
Master Plan of the Terminal
Schematic Design
Employer Requirements
Pricing & CAPEX
In addition, NIRAS supported the EPC Contractor DEME Infra – DEME Dredging for the marine infrastructure part on the tender design and the detailed design later associated with the deep-water quay walls of the future terminal based on the following:
ULCV Quay Wall: Operational Length 500m with a Berth Depth -17m CD
Feeder Quay Wall: Operational Length 250m with a Berth Depth -14.5m CD
Revetments and Reclamation: The Terminal Approx. 45 Hectares with Shore Protection on North and East sides of the Terminal
Phase 2 of the project will be the extension of the container terminal after the completion of phase 1.