More than 250 EU FWCs completed by NIRAS in over 100 countries

One of many framework contracts managed by NIRAS was the identification and formulation of support to food security and nutrition in Chad.
One of many framework contracts managed by NIRAS was the identification and formulation of support to food security and nutrition in Chad.
NIRAS has managed EU FWCs since 2000, implementing more than 250 short-term assignments worth more than €30 million in over 100 countries. These projects, which span many sectors, seek to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable development, and promote democracy, peace, and security.
NIRAS has supported the EU in designing and budgeting future interventions funded by the EU Budget and the European Development Fund. By helping EU delegations and other decentralized authorities to formulate new projects, NIRAS has assisted in shaping the future of the EU Development Cooperation, especially with respect to achieving its goals of reducing poverty, ensuring sustainable development, and promoting democracy, peace, and security.
For example, NIRAS has designed food security and nutrition interventions in Chad, beef industry development interventions in Uganda, and food safety and horticulture programmes in Suriname. These efforts will have a direct impact upon reducing poverty and improving livelihoods in these countries, especially for the rural poor.
Furthermore, by assisting local authorities in West African countries with good governance and finance management reforms, NIRAS has contributed to promoting democracy and transparency as well as supporting long-lasting local capacity.
Through providing comprehensive reviews of implemented projects, such as the evaluation of the European Commission’s contributions to the Parliamentary Action for Renewable Energy, NIRAS has helped the European Commission evaluate how each EU intervention has contributed to achieving European Development Cooperation goals. In this way, NIRAS has provided recommendations as to what can be done better and how sustainable development can be achieved more effectively going forward.
NIRAS is committed to creating and supporting long-lasting local capacity for more effective and efficient local development, and we strive to include local expertise in all our projects.
The number of languages used in implementing our projects. This includes English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, but also Chichewa, Swahili, Bengali, and Arabic among others.