NIRAS in Tanzania

NIRAS in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


NIRAS has been implementing projects in Tanzania for more than four decades, amassing a wealth of experience across sectors and a deep local knowledge which can only be obtained by a strong  local presence and many years of dedicated work. This local presence means that the many projects we implement in Tanzania are coordinated and supported efficiently and our partnerships with local stakeholders and government are robust and maintained in-person. These close partnerships allow us to access new information in all areas of the country regarding critical developments for example in legislative and regulatory frameworks.  It also makes us a preferred partner for local and international collaborations. Furthermore, we maintain a database of local consultants ready to be mobilised on short notice, with more than 1,200 registered experts and counting.

The scope of our services in Tanzania is based on the unique development priorities and challenges the country faces, with particular attention focussed on a range of natural resource management and climate change services, education, financial inclusion, and broad-based private sector development. The staff we hire and the projects we implement reflect these priorities, and our key ongoing or recently completed projects include efforts to improve the country’s investment climate, provide access to legal services for underserved populations, and a programme which helped local populations manage and conserve forest resources. The long experience we have in the country, our passionate and skilled local staff, and the NIRAS Group’s broad international expertise and presence mean that major development cooperation partners have chosen us to implement projects in Tanzania, including MFA Finland, MFA Denmark, the EU, the World Bank, SDC, and Sida.

We have consulted on key projects such as:

  • Local Economic Development Strategies for Tanzania (2017-2021)
  • Local Investment Climate (2014-2020),
  • Participatory Plantation Forestry Programme (phase 1 2014-2019, phase II 2019-2023),
  • Project Management Consulting (2019- 2022),
  • FinScope Niche Report for Business Owners in Tanzania (2019),
  • Mid-Term Review of the I4ID project (2019),
  • The Information Society and ICT Sector Development Project (2011-2016),
  • Legal Services Facility (2011-2016) 
  • Lindi & Mtwara Agribusiness Support (2010 -2016)

Office in Dar es Salaam

Our office was opened in 2004. We have 6 full time employees.

NIRAS Tanzania Ltd.
Plot No 1196
Oyster Plaza, 2nd Floor
Oyster Bay
Haile Selassie Road
Dar es Salaam
T: +255 744 644 021

NIRAS in Tanzania

NIRAS in Africa

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