NIRAS in Mozambique

NIRAS in Maputo, Mozambique


Our work in Mozambique began more than three decades ago and we have been implementing projects in the country every year since then, building up the experience and local knowledge required to successfully deliver to both our clients and to project beneficiaries. Our local network involves individuals, partners, and enterprises located in the three regions of the country in both rural and urban areas. We also work extensively with academic institutions, public institutions, and NGOs.

Following from Mozambique’s key development priorities, our work is concentrated in areas from rural development to governance decentralisation and public sector reform.

The combination of deep local knowledge and expertise with world-class international technical skills explain why donors including the European Commission, GIZ, KfW, SDC, the World Bank, DFID, and Nordic donors have chosen NIRAS to implement their projects in Mozambique.

We have participated in key projects such as:

  • PRODEL – Local Development Programme
  • Urban Environmental Management Project in Northern and Central Mozambique (2007-2012)
  • Institutional strengthening of MICOA, environmental mainstreaming, and climate change initiatives (2011-2017)
  • Good Financial Governance Programme (2019 -2022)
  • Service Provider for Agroforestry Systems Promotion in Zambezia Province (2019-2022)
  • Implementation of the Mozambique Planted Forests Grant Scheme in Zambézia Province (2019-2022)
  • Monitoring and Quality Assurance for Contract Documentation and Implementation of Small Water Supply Systems in Districts of Angoche and Massinga
  • Technical Assistance (TA), Monitoring And Verification Consultancy For Cs Nr. 2 In Tete And Health District Infrastructure Projects In Tete Province (2019-2020)

Office in Maputo

Our office was officially opened in 2011. We have 5 full-time employees.


Rua Travessa de Azurara 29. ro
Bairro Sommerschield 
Maputo, Mozambique
+258 82 6018860

Read more in our brochure: NIRAS in Africa

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