Business Integrity

Acting with integrity is about doing the right thing, even when nobody is watching, so it’s behaving honestly and always adhering to high ethical standards, because it's the right thing to do – not just for your own immediate benefit.

Integrity in business is the same - it's about acting with decency and having an ethical culture that permeates your entire organization. And then it’s about the absence of activities such as fraud, embezzlement, bribery etc..

NIRAS works systematically with our Business Integrity Management System as a tool to prevent any kind of corruption and bribery, and in our own practices, we emphasise accountability and ethics.  Among other things, NIRAS Compliance Unit is established to handle corruption cases and suspicion of corruption, and to oversee that all business units and subsidiaries comply with NIRAS’ guidelines on business integrity.   

NIRAS’ Business Integrity and Ethics Policy is in accordance with the recommendations of the OECD and the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC).

NIRAS subscribes to the UN Global Compact and to FIDIC. Through these, we have committed to upholding a number of ethical standards and international principles.

Business Integrity

Statement on NIRAS Business Integrity and Ethics Policy (PDF)

NIRAS Integrity Management System (PDF)

Compliance unit

Description of NIRAS Compliance Unit (PDF)

Global Compact

Communication on Progress

Global Compact Certificate (PDF)

Climate Account

Climate Account 2022 (PDF)

Transparency in supply chains

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (PDF)


NIRAS Principles of Safeguarding

Reach out if you have any questions

Rasmus Klitgaard

Rasmus Klitgaard

Team Manager Peace, Stability & Governance

København, Denmark

+45 4810 4623

Merete Reeves

Merete Reeves

Quality and Risk Director

Allerød, Denmark

+45 4022 7602

Claus Jørgensen

Claus Jørgensen

International Market and Compliance Director - acr

København, Denmark

+45 4810 4458