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The SADC Framework Contract

Committed to regional integration and poverty reduction, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) encompasses 16 member states from Southern Africa with the common aim of improving people’s living standards through collective self-reliance. The economic community achieves this by pooling of resources and ensuring a high degree of harmonisation and rationalisation across the region. 

Under a two-year framework contract, NIRAS will deliver bids with the aim to support the SADC Secretariat with individual consultancies for three priority areas for cooperation, namely peace, security & regional stability; regional economic integration; and regional natural resource management. We also deliver services in the cross-cutting area of institutional capacity building.  

NIRAS’ engagement in the framework contract furthermore reflects our aspiration to empower local experts and staying committed in the long run. 

Get in touch

Antonello Esposito

Antonello Esposito

Team Leader, Facilities and Framework Contracts

København, Denmark

+45 6020 8059